Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Sometime Utter Horror is the best Motivator

I have been trying for 2 years now to find the motivation to get back into shape, and no matter what I have done it just doesn't stick.  I have tried paying myself, I even have a 15 year reunion this year and not even that has been enough to motivate me.  I think we all have to have some driving reason to do something we don't want to do.  Well I finally found mine.

I knew I had gotten fat, and I could see how heavy I was but I was still only mildly disgusted.  Phil and I have been teaching a couples dance class which has been a blast except for the mirrors everywhere would think that would have been a motivator right?......Nope I can just look at my face and my feet...I think those are cute.  At the end of the session We made a video that is a quick review of the steps so our class can pop it in if they forget a guessed it, that was my horrifying moment of true awareness.  it wasn't that I was fat, I already knew that, it was the stuff I edited walking away from the camera to ready position.....I had that nasty fat lady butt. I don't know if I can describe's the one that your body makes all kinds of jiggle creases and bumps when you take a step.  That jiggly fatty bouncy butt you could feed a family of four off of.

I processed it eternally since my sweetheart was sitting next to me while I edited, but inside I was a wreck....I don't see that angle of myself, and he has been looking at it for years...... :(

So it is the beginning of week #2  I am down 2 of the 30 pounds I need to lose.  Now 30 pounds may not seem like a lot, but I am under 5 feet, and I carry most of  my weight in my lower body.  5 pounds can be a full pant size for me.

1 comment:

about us said...

Way to go Kami! I can't find the motivation either so I'm just hoping everyone will focus on my cute face and feet at the 15 year reunion!