6 days until we leave for North Dakota. People keep asking me how I am feeling about moving...If I am nervous or excited. I haven't actually felt much of anything or taken the time to figure out how I am feeling anyway. So I decided to do it and and here we go.
1. For the first time in my life I am moving somewhere I don't know anyone. That scares me. I need people. I have always made friends pretty easy, but there is that scared little girl inside of me that worries that no one will like me.
2. The house we are moving into is the size of our first apartment when we got married The Dungeon) . Yikes!!! So that converns me, and moving there with no furniture, beds, or kitchen table will be interesting ...like camping but in a house. :)
3. I am moving somewhere that is not predominatly mormon, also another first for me. This one I am actually a little excited about. The lds community tends to take itself too seriously and forget that you can't be perfect in this life. God wants you to be happy and not to beat yourself up all the time over your inperfections, keep improving, growing, learning, but don't forget to enjoy the journey. We are such a blessed people to be living here and now in this free country.
4. I am worried about my kids adjusting. we are moving into a small school of only 250 kids. That is less than 25% of our current schools population. This will either make it easier or harder.
5. Saying Goodbye. This is hard for me. Especially to my Sunday school classes,past and present. They are the best kids ever. Most of my best friends are between 13 and 18 years old. These kids remind me how life should be. Laughter makes all the other junk you have to deal with in this life easier because you know there is joy and hope. So to my friends and family I am leaving, know that I love you, and I tend to keep friends forever so your stuck with me, and to my friends that I have already parted with in the past, I am so glad to have you in my life even if we only talk once a year or see each other rarely. I love you and think if you often.
6. We get to be together as a family. This is number 6 but it really is the number 1 reason it is all going to be okay. This has been a tough year, and the fact that we have a job, a roof over our heads, and the chance to be together, makes it all okay.
So I guess I would have to say I am nervous, sad, scared, worried, and unsure, but most of all I am happy, and I have faith that it is going to be great! Cold but great!