Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Project: Troll / Goblin Costume #2

I decided to start with the leather vest. Here are the two leather jackets I got for 3.00 each.

If you have money to go out and buy leather, you can skip this part, but if you are cheap like me and have more time than money I took a seam ripper to the leather coats. I am going to ue the smaller pieces for my hat, and the buttons will go on my vest See the big pile of leather pieces?

As I was taking the jackets apart, I realized I could keep pieces in tact so I didn't have to sew them later, I also cannot sew, so this helped a lot. I cut these peices out because in the middle there was this really ugly western pattern, that I cut away. Then I sewed these two pieces together, and trimmedit to a vest shape. I am going to distress this so I was not to worried about how nice it looked. I also changed the plan for how he vest will look, It was so easy to do it this way, so I am not going to make a patchwork one.

Here is the back panel from the same coat. I folded it in half and cut out the two vest pieces, I made a bad patter by tracing a shirt that I had. I liked the idea of the seam running down the front, a later on I am going to make this looked peiced together.

Two front pieces, that I attached to the above back panel, trimmed it to fit, and then sewed it together. I didn't worry about sewing it nice, since I want it to look like a goblin or troll sewed it, which incidentaly is the same as me sewing....coincidence?

Here is the basic structure of the vest finished. I still have to sew some on accents, and distress it, but that will be for another day. Yeah Me!!!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Project: Troll / Goblin Costume #1

I love halloween. It's a great time to use your imagination, and change the way the world sees you for a day. It is also a time of year when people spend 30-40 for cheap ugly costumes, If I am going to spend 30.00 on a costume, it bettermake people stand up and take notice.

This year my costume is going to be a troll/goblin/hobbit looking costume..I am calling it a troll, but it looks nothing like the long point nose demon looking creaters that came up when I googled trolls, and goblins.

Here are my idea sketches...note that I am not an artist, these took me all of 10 min, and were not meant to impress anyone except with the general idea of what I hope to create.

Side Profile - Helmet / hat, makeup ideas
I don't know why this keeps loading sideways, you'll just have to crank your head

Front View
Back view
Back View

I wanted the vest, and hat to be made out of leather, but leather is ridiculously expensive. I went to the thrift store and bought two big leather coats. They only cost 3 bucks a piece since they were missing buttons and had ripped liners...perfect. I am going to take them apart, and use the leather to make my costume. I am not sure what I am going to do for the pants yet. They are probably going to be some aged white capri's I got from the salvation army for a dollar.
I bought a large pair of pointy ears for less than 4.00, and a big nose for around 3.00. I already have latex, nose putty, and makeup that I will use for my face from previous years
I have the shirt already from previous halloween costumes (pirate, and mountain man) This is a great tip for saving money. We have basic a basic white dress, black dress, capes, and such that can be used as wedding dresses, vampires, witches, zombie's, zombie brides, etc.
So far total spent:
6.00 - leather coats
1.00 - white capri pants ( maybe)
4.00 - ears
3.00 - nose
The goal is to stay far below 30.00, I will post more pictures as I begin my costume.